twin flames

The Divine Feminine Divine Masculine Blueprint

Divine Feminine Divine Masculine energies are embedded in our original cosmic blueprint. This blueprint determines our path during this earthly…

8 years ago

What is Free Will – is it possible to become sovereign?

Are humans living in the 21st century able to say that they are sovereign? Do we really have complete free…

8 years ago

Empathy or Compassion: what is the difference

Empathy is needed now more than ever. It is a noble trait in humanity that can transform the world of…

9 years ago

Why is the Power of Eclipses trance-formative

The Power of Eclipses are amazingly trance-formative each year. During the March eclipses we are to process and assemble fragmented…

9 years ago

Fire – leaving the trance of illusion

Fire - leaving the trance of illusion. Fire is the only element that is capable to transform any one type…

9 years ago

The post-2012 Era Consciousness Shift

The post-2012 Era Consciousness Shift is happening to you and I whether we accept or notice it or not. We…

9 years ago

What Are Twin Flames?

What Are Twin Flames? What is the significance of Twin Flames versus Soul Mates? This subject is often discussed, quoted…

9 years ago

Twin Flames: Reunion of the One Self

Twin Flames are the reunion of the Self: the two halves of the One. Our Soul is consciousness or thought frequency.…

15 years ago