BaZi Destiny Analysis expert

The Five Feng Shui Elements – Metal

In this article we will focus on the Metal Element. The Five Feng Shui Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth,…

6 years ago

What is your Lucky Element in 2019?

What is your Lucky Element in the Year of the Earth Boar? Each year is ruled by one of the…

6 years ago

Bad relationships-why do we stay?

Why do we stay in bad relationship? Is it because we believe that the alternative is to be alone and…

7 years ago

2018 Lunar New Year of the Earth Dog

We will take a closer look at the 2018 Lunar New Year and find out how the Dog and each…

7 years ago

Rapid Awakening

There is a rapid awakening emerging in our collective as we are traveling through a new intense time-space cycle, bringing…

7 years ago

Diminishing solar activity may bring a new Ice Age

Diminishing solar activity may bring a new Ice Age, or a new Maunder Minimum by 2030, say scientists, Professor V.…

8 years ago

Feng Shui Elements – Water

Water is the source of all life on Earth. Although shapeless, it takes up the form of its container. It…

8 years ago

Soulless Humans – Organic Portals

This article is mirrored from the blog post called 'Organic Portals-Soulless Humans' written by Bernhard Guenther on April 18. 2011.…

8 years ago

What is Free Will – is it possible to become sovereign?

Are humans living in the 21st century able to say that they are sovereign? Do we really have complete free…

8 years ago

Why I never wanted to become an Astrologer

To be an 'expert' Astrologer is becoming a fashionable trend lately and Astrology is drawing much more admiration now than…

9 years ago