
The Divine Feminine Divine Masculine Blueprint

Divine Feminine Divine Masculine energies are embedded in our original cosmic blueprint. This blueprint determines our path during this earthly…

8 years ago

Diminishing solar activity may bring a new Ice Age

Diminishing solar activity may bring a new Ice Age, or a new Maunder Minimum by 2030, say scientists, Professor V.…

8 years ago

Are we leaving the Age of Kali Yuga?

The destructive Iron Age or the Age of Kali Yuga is reaching the tipping point. Is Humanity going by the…

9 years ago

Donald Trump might be the next President?

Donald Trump as the the next President in 2017? Is he in a powerful and lucky position to win the…

9 years ago

Evolution of Human Consciousness and the Butterfly

The Evolution of Human Consciousness resembles the development of the butterfly.  The metamorphosis of the butterfly is illustrated in the…

9 years ago

Fire – leaving the trance of illusion

Fire - leaving the trance of illusion. Fire is the only element that is capable to transform any one type…

9 years ago

What Are Twin Flames?

What Are Twin Flames? What is the significance of Twin Flames versus Soul Mates? This subject is often discussed, quoted…

9 years ago

What is Ba Zi – Four Pillars of Destiny

Four Pillars of Destiny is a lot more than the Chinese Zodiac. The Ancients believed that Success in Life is…

11 years ago